Hi Everyone! I've sure missed you!! I thought you might like to see what I've been working on the last month. I've have been through and handled more stuff than I'd like to think about. We sat up for the show in pouring rain. Thank goodness we were under a tent, but we still got soaked! The shows days were beautiful, though and the folks came out to buy. In fact, these pics are after selling tons of stuff on the 1st day, so you can only imagine how much we had! In fact, there's enough left to do another show this upcoming weekend. The rest will go online or in an Estate Sale. It feels great to be ridding myself of so much STUFF. I still have scads to put online, too!These pics will take you around the 20' x 20' tent.
This table is guy stuff and kid's things.
This is my "shabby chic" table.
This is kitchen glass and pottery.
This is wood stuff and finer china and glass.
More kitchen stuff.
McCoy Pottery an Akro Agate.
My beloved spool cabinet is gone!
And this is Mr. Bill smiling after counting his money.